Form IDNameEditor NameValueWeight00063B46AmethystGemAmethyst1200.100063B47DiamondGemDiamond8000.100063B43EmeraldGemEmerald601EFlawless AmethystGemAmethystFlawless181FFlawless DiamondGemDiamondFlawless68520Flawless EmeraldGemEmeraldFlawless7521Flawless GarnetGemGarnetFlawless1522Flawless RubygemRubyFlawless3523Flawless SapphireGemSapphireFlawless5000.100063B45GarnetGemGarnet1000.100063B42RubyGemRuby2000.100063B44SapphireGemSapphire4000.1.
Daedarion's mod list - 400 mods were used.Textures/esp's and much more, may have been edited by me.
The primary objective of this mod is to add a deep, immersive level of gameplay to Skyrim, while keeping tedium to a minimum. This mod adds an insane amount of immersion to traveling around the harsh wilderness of Skyrim. Most of the mods on this list are optional, I don't consider this one of them, everyone should use this mod. Video: iNeed. Feb 13, 2019 Page 1 of 94 - Juantons Skyrim Special Edition Mod List for 2019 - posted in File topics: Juantons Skyrim Special Edition Mod List for 2019 A Skyrim: Special Edition mod overhaul tutorial. Included are modifications to textures, gameplay, NPCs, and more.